A tale of two visions: One grounded in hope and the other the hard reality of the world

Posted on September 18, 2013 by


Obamacare will continue to gain attention for the foreseeable future, but today’s news give two opposing and irreconcilable views.  Mr Obama was asked if American’s were wrong about his health care bill (since so many oppose it).  His answer?  Yes, they are wrong.

Yes, they are…….The problem we have is that over the last four years billions of dollars have been spent misinforming people about what this law is about. All of the horror stories that were talked about have not come true. It is going to be a good deal and we expect that once it is fully implemented — a year from now, two years from now, five years from now — people will look back and, they’ll be asking what was the argument about. Why is everybody fighting this so much?

On the other side, we see Walgreen making major changes to its own workers health care, McDonald’s franchises begging for relief, and unions demanding repeal.  Even Mr. Buffet says it should be canned.*

Why is that so many former Obamacare advocates are heading for the hills?  Part of the answer is it is now time to pay the piper.  As the ACA comes online, real world businesses don’t get to spin a press release.  They live in the real world of having fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders and moral responsibilities to their workers.  They have to react to the law as it is, not as policymakers might wish or hope it to be.  One vision is grounded in reality, one is seemingly grounded solely by:

Hope Hope


Yet Mr. Obama insists the majority of Americans are wrong, and he’ll be vindicated in the end.    I’m reminded of the oft repeated phrase, “hope for the best, plan (or prepare) for the worst.”

Given the increasingly partisan battles that are upcoming, please remember to pray for all of our leaders–that God may give them wisdom and humility, and most of all, that God would give them insight into His will.



* At least some of Mr. Buffett’s quotes are from 2010, but he has more recent quotes also saying Obamacare is a drag on the economy.